Showing posts with label mule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mule. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Comparing Open Source ESBs

I've working heavily with webMethods ( for the last 7 or so years, I'm always thinking about what open source alternatives are there and how mature they have become compared to more proprietary EBS's like webMethods, Tibco, Oracle Fusion, IBM WebSphere etc.

I've been playing around recently with Apache Camel (http:/ and Mule ESB ( to get a better idea of how easy it is to use these open source ESBs

I've found that Apache Camel has quite a lot of the standard endpoints used in most organisations, however, the GUI for quick mappings and orchestrations is lacking. The tutorials are good and very detailed, especially with providing sample code, but doesn't feel like it's complete. Due to it's open source nature and with many collaborators working on Apache projects, there is a big talent pool out there to help make this a solid alternative to a paid ESB.

Mule, on the other hand, was originally driven through a XML file that had all the endpoint configurations. When dealing with configuring XML for endpoints, it was quite painful. With Mule Studio GA releasing, it has made development and integration a whole lot easier with a GUI that allows for orchestrations and quick integration projects.
One of my good friends has done quite a bit of Mule integration and with the new GUI, he's been able to reduce the amount of time taken to do his projects.

I've been looking to use Mule for my home projects and eventual integration to websites, but with the very small nature of those projects, I might just stick with using some simpler Java based solution.

This was just my experience with some of the commonly used open source ESB's compared to paid alternatives. I'll be using them more in the future and will be keeping track of them as well as any newer ones that pop up.